
Grading procedures are determined by

Orange County Public Schools.

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Grades for k and 1st

Code of Development: Grade Level Performance:

S - Satisfactory Above - Above Grade Level

W - Working on Skill At - At Grade Level

N - Needs Improvement Below - Below Grade Level

U - Unsatisfactory

Blank - Not Assessed

Grades for 2nd - 5th

Academic Progress Social Development/Work Habits

A = 90 - 100 (Outstanding Progress) O - Outstanding

B = 80 - 89 (Above Average Progress) S - Satisfactory

C = 70 - 79 (Average Progress) N - Needs Improvement

D = 60 - 69 (Lowest Acceptable Progress) U - Unsatisfactory

F = 59 - Below (Failure)

You may view your child's progress, grades, and attendance online by using 

Skyward Parent Login

When logging on for the first time, be sure to update your account.