First Grade

1st grade teachers
Ms. Davey, Mrs. Ray, Mrs. Escobar-Diaz, Mrs. Christenson, Mrs. Gomez
(Left to Right)


First Grade: Reading Process

The student:

· Demonstrates knowledge of the concept of print and how it is organized and read.

 (Ex. Distinguishes letters from words)

· Demonstrates phonemic awareness. (Ex. Blends 3 to 5 phonemes to form words)

· Demonstrates knowledge of the alphabetic principle and applies grade-level phonics skills to read the text. (Ex. Recognizes high-frequency words; identifies the sounds of vowels and consonant digraphs (wh, th, sh, ch) in printed words)

· Demonstrates the ability to read grade-level text orally with accuracy, appropriate rate, and expression. (Ex: Applies letter-sound knowledge to decode words quickly and accurately in isolation and in the text)

· Uses multiple strategies to develop grade appropriate vocabulary. (Ex. Uses new vocabulary, context clues, and determines the correct meaning of words with multiple meanings in the text)

· Uses a variety of strategies to comprehend grade-level text. (Ex. Predicts; sets a purpose; retells; self-monitors and rereads; identifies the main idea, supporting details, author’s purpose; sequences events)

· Identifies, analyzes, and applies knowledge of the elements of a variety of fiction and literary texts to develop a thoughtful response to a literary selection. (Ex. Retells the main events in a story; identifies the characters and setting in a story; connects text to self, text to world, and text to text; selects appropriate grade and ability level fiction to read)

· Identifies, analyzes, and applies knowledge of the elements of a variety of non-fiction, informational, and expository texts to demonstrate an understanding of the information presented. (Ex. Locates information using directions, graphs, charts, signs, captions in the informational text; organizes information found in nonfiction text through charting, listing, mapping, or summarizing)


First Grade: Writing Process

The student:

· Uses prewriting strategies to generate ideas and formulate a plan. (Ex. Organizes ideas using webs, maps, or lists)

· Writes a draft appropriate to the topic, audience, and purpose. (Ex. Maintains focus on a single idea and organizes details that have a beginning, middle, and end)

· Revises and refines the draft for clarity and effectiveness. (Ex. Evaluates for logical thinking and marking out repetitive text and adding additional details by using a caret[^] and replacing general words with specific words)

· Edits and corrects the draft for standard language conventions. (Ex. Spells high frequency words and simple CVC words correctly; capitalizes the pronoun I, the beginning of a sentence, names, days of the week and months of the year; uses commas in dates, items in a series; uses end punctuation for sentences(periods, question marks, and exclamation points); uses subject and verb agreement in simple sentences)

· Writes a final product for the intended audience.

· Develops and demonstrates creative writing. (Ex. Writes narratives with the main idea, events, characters, and sequence of events)

· Develops and demonstrates technical writing that provides information related to real-world tasks. (Ex. Writes summaries, recipes, notes, messages, labels, instructions, graphs/tables, friendly letters, thank-you notes, simple directions, maps as well as writes an informational paragraph with a topic sentence and at least 3 details)

· Develops and demonstrates persuasive writing that is used for the purpose of influencing the reader. (Ex. Uses simple text to explain why an item is important)

· Engages in the writing process and writes to communicate ideas and experiences. (Ex. Writes numbers, uppercase and lowercase letters using left to right sequencing and uses spacing between letters, words, and sentences)