
Clinic Telephone: (407) 249-6415.

 If a child is ill or needs medical attention, they will be sent to the clinic along with two student escorts. Parents will be called for a child who appears to need to be cared for at home.

The clinic attendant and office clerks will use the contact information provided on the blue medical forms. Please make sure your child returns the blue medical form promptly at the beginning of the school year If any phone numbers change throughout the year, please update us as soon as possible for the safety and comfort of your child.

For the healthy and safety of all our students, please keep your child home when any of the following signs/symptoms are noted, and seek medical attention as needed. The following signs and symptoms may indicate the beginning of a communicable disease:

*sore throat * red eye(s) - itchy, crusty, yellow discharge

*headache * nausea

*diarrhea (two or more times) * vomiting (two or more times)

*fever (100.5 degrees F or more) * coughing/wheezing

*balding/flaky area with/without patches * chills

*red, swollen areas

Parents of child in school with any of the above symptoms will be notified. In order to prevent illness from being spread to other children in the school, students can only return to school when symptoms are resolved and has been fever free for 24 hours without the use of fever medication as per OCPS policy. 

All medication will be administered by the clinic attendant, according to the prescription. Medicine is to be brought to school by the parent, and a form is to be completed to accompany each medication. Children should not transport medications to school. No medication is to be kept or administered in the classroom. EXCEPTION: ASTHMATIC STUDENTS: POSSESSION OF INHALERS: FLORIDA STATE STATUTE 232.47- Asthmatic students shall be able to carry a metered dose inhaler on their person while in school when they have approval from their parents and their physician. The school principal shall be provided with a copy of the parent's and physician's approval.

In the case of head lice, OCPS policy states any student with head lice may not stay in school. Students with head lice will be isolated and parents will be called to pick up their child. Nits and lice must be removed at home before returning to school. Before returning to the classroom, the student must be checked by the clinic. Please accompany your child to the school clinic when returning to school.